OMEGAir CARGO Ltd offers an interesting job as and air or sea freight forwarder as well as customs broker.
Below you will find places and positions available for employment:
Sea cargo forwarder Air cargo forwarder Customs broker
- Szczecin (SZZ) - Goleniow airport - air and sea cargo forwarder
- Gdynia (GDY) - Seaport - sea cargo forwarder
- Poznan (POZ) - Ławica airport - air cargo forwarder
- Wroclaw (WRO) - airport - (planned branch, opening office soon) - manager of the office, air cargo forwarder and customs agent
- Lodz (LCJ) - airport - air cargro forwarder, customs agent
Click on one of links below, to send CV or/and Letter for your place of work interest:
When sending your application please sign an agreement according to Polish Law: I hereby authorise OMEGAir CARGO Ltd to process the attached personal information strictly for the purposes of job recruitment pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act of 29 August 1997 (Journal of Laws [Dz.U] No. 133, item 883). Please be advised that we will answer to selected offers.